Watch this space for further details, including a link to our auction website and a more complete schedule
The annual auction has become a showcase for civic minded local businesses as well as professional and financial institutions that want to show their support for the Rotary Club and the work it does. The Middleboro Community Cable Access Media (MCCAM) has been the club's major supporter and fundraiser since 1989 and they allow us to broadcast the auction live from their studio each year.
Businesses wishing to purchase a sponsorship or donate goods, services or gift cards in any amount may contact us at middlebororotaryauction@gmail.com. You can find our auction letter and sponsorship information by going to About Us > Downloads on the main menu.
Proceeds from the auction help the Rotary Club of Middleboro support its educational and charitable programs which include local college scholarships and school tutoring programs along with numerous community service projects.

We appreciate your support!!